Nextcloud vs. ownCloud

Nextcloud - Wikipedia                                              



So Nextcloud and ownCloud are basically the same software for making a shared drive look like a webpage. They are like Dropbox and Google Drive but we are running them in our own Data Center here at the GMC. That allows us to combine the convenience and ease of use of solutions like Dropbox and Google Drive with the security and privacy of keeping our data in our data center, on a server managed by us, rather than floating somewhere in the cloud.


What is happening to confuse people is that they are using the name of the product, i.e., Nextcloud or ownCloud, instead of using the name of the server. Its like confusing “Word” with “Memo 1”. “Word” is the program you use to create the document called “Memo 1”.

So “ownCloud” is the software we use to create, which IBOE, General Superintendent’s Office and GNP use for various hosting of files like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Then we have other servers using essentially the same software to create, and

So it’s like this

PowerPoint “June Workshop on Schools.ppt”

Word “Memo to BGS on the awesome IT department.docx”

Excel “Dept Budget of Money I can’t spend.xlsx”

NextCloud,, etc.


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Article Number: 298
Author: Wed, Mar 10, 2021
Last Updated: Wed, Mar 10, 2021
Author: Jeremy McNeal

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