Building Your Institutional Repository

Building Your Institutional Repository

Once the administrative team sets up the site on the development server, the WHDL librarian(s) for the IR can do the following steps to finish their site.

  1. Go to the IR site (ex. and log in.
    1. Log into the IR with your account by adding /user/login
    2. Click on the lotus symbol at the top left side of the page
  2. Create an About page
    1. Go to Content | Add Content | General Page
    2. Add a hero image if desired
    3. Add content to the Body that introduces the IR
    4. Add page components to the page (ex. Staff Listing)
    5. Save as published
  3. Go to Groups (using the menu at the bottom of the page

    1. Click on the “Group” button and choose the IR you are working on (ex. Southern Nazarene University)
      1. Go to the Domain Settings tab
        1. Add a slogan if desired
        2. Change the email address for the contact for the site (use at least
        3. Don’t change anything else!
        4. Click submit
      2. Go to the Edit tab
        1. Change the site color if needed
        2. If you have a resource fall back image, add it (must be at least a 523 x 800px image)
        3. Don’t change anything else
        4. Click save
      3. Go to the Members tab
        1. Add the WHDL librarian and subsequent librarians to the IR. (If someone doesn’t have an account, please contact to have the WHDL Admin add the user to the group. Please send the email address with their name.)
          1. Grant them the proper roles
            1. Admin allows for complete site controls
            2. Library Publisher allows the user to publish and check items for compliance
            3. Library Editor allows for the user to upload and put in standard content, but they are not allowed to publish
            4. Legal Compliance is for the unpublishing of a resource if needed. They do not have the ability to delete a record.

4. On the top menu, select “Content | Manage Site Wrapper

  1. Upload the site logo
  2. Add at least one item in the Links | Main Links section
    1. Add the URL (you can use <front> for the home page or the node number)
    2. Add text for (i) (Home for the example in (i))
  3. Add at least one item in the Links | Utility Links section
    1. Add the URL (you can use <front> for the home page or the node number)
    2. Add text for (i) (Home for the example in (i))
  4. Add Social Media links if desired
    1. Select an icon for the social media from the drop-down menu
    2. Put in the URL of the social media feed
  5. Add Link text
  6. Add the Address to the footer if desired
  7. Click Save


5. On the top menu, select “Content | Manage Main Menu

  1. Click on Add Link
    1. Create a Home menu link by
      1. Giving the link a title (ex. Home)
      2. Add a link (ex. <front> or /node/# or a URL)
      3. Give it a description
      4. Click Save
    2. Create an About menu link by
      1. Giving the link a title (ex. Home)
      2. Add a link (ex. <front> or /node/# or a URL)
      3. Give it a description
      4. Click Save
    3. Rearrange the menu items as desired

6. Go to the Home page so you can edit content found on that page (You will do the same type of tasks on any type of webpage though some of the options may be different)

  1. Click on Edit (located at the bottom of the page)
    1. Add the information for the hero image
      1. Title
      2. Image (at least 1900 x 705px)
    2. Add Page components as appropriate (Six options)
      1. Checkerboard
      2. Add Featured authors
      3. Add Featured collections
      4. Add Featured resources
      5. Add Grid Feature
      6. Add Quote Feature
    3. Change the Current state to what is appropriate at the time
      1. Options are “Draft,” “Published,” or “Unpublished”
      2. Click save after making the choice

7. Create additional pages by go to “Content | General Page” or “Content | Landing Page.”

  1. You will have various page components. Try them out. Ask others about what works for them.


8. Creating a “Resource,” “Collection,” or “Author”, see additional documentation on “How to create [one of the three] in WHDL”